

Best Answer

Answer 1

Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ!


Answer 2

While the first answer is correct, it is not entirely true.

Christmas was actually a pagan tradition called Winter Solstice and had absolutely nothing to do with Christ.

Winter Solstice was celebrated in December every year by pagans for hundreds of years before Christianity even existed.

Christianity was losing the battle against global religious domination, mostly due to the popularity of Islam, Judaism and Paganism. So, instead of persecuting the pagans, they instead began to accept them, to an extent.

Pagan festivals were deemed "ungodly" by the Christian church, however, ironically, almost every Christian tradition actually has pagan roots. Christmas being the biggest.

The Christian church adopted the pagan Winter Solstice festival and changed the name to "Christ's Mass", claiming it was the day Jesus was born. However, The Bible makes absolutely no reference of the date Jesus was apparently born.

The Winter Solstice celebrated astronomy (science) rather than religion. Specifically the sun, when it appears at its lowest altitude at noon above the horizon. Similar traditions to Winter Solstice have been practised by prehistoric and neolithic man, as evidence shows.

In modern times science has shown that Winter Solstice affects the fertility and mating patterns of animals and humans, making conceiving a baby twice more likely, as a result of astronomical movements.

So there you have it. Christmas's true meaning, Winter Solstice. Not the birth of Christ (because we don't actually know when he was born).

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