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Chromosomes are the name given to the discrete pieces of DNA in a cell that are copied as a unit before a cell divides. All genes are encoded in DNA so the chromosomes are the volumes in the library of an organism that is called its genome. The genome always fits into a single cell.

In bacteria a chromosome can consists of a single simple loop of DNA. In plant and animal cells the chromosomes are much longer pieces of DNA that are packaged up by being wound around special proteins called histones. Another thing is that in most cells chromosomes occur in pairs. That is because you got one from your mother and one from your father. There is a lot more to say about chromosomes but their basic function is to store the DNA in a way that its genes can be accessed or read and all of the genes copied when a cell divides

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The proper question would be "What do Chromosomes have to do with Genetics"

Chromosomes, such as the X and Y chromosomes that determine the sex of an offspring in a child can determine if your child has a Genetic Disease, or a trait such as hair colour. Genes are mostly located on chromosomes, so they have %90 to do with genetics.

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