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'how many brothers do you have?'

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Q: What does Combien de frères as-tu mean in French?
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Related questions

What is the french word 'combien mean in' English?

combien means how much / how many in French.

What does combien pèses-tu mean in French?

combien pèses-tu means 'how much do you weigh' in French.

What does ca coute combien mean in french?

Ca coute combien ? means How much is it?

What does combien coute mean in French?

The question 'C'est combien?' means How much is this? In the word-by-word translation, the demonstrative pronoun 'ce'* means 'this'. The verb 'est' means '[he/she/it] is'. And the adverb 'combien' means 'how much, how many'. *The letter 'e' is dropped in front of a word that begins with a vowel or an unaspirated 'h'.

How do you ask how much you weigh in french?

"Combien est-ce que tu pèses" or "Combien pèses-tu". They both mean the same, although the former is used more often.

What does Combien du fromage mean?

"Combien de fromages ?" : How many cheeses ?

What does Combien font cinq et seize mean in French?

Not quite certain, but I think it means "Room Number 627"

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How many French teachers there are in the class

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combien de temps avez-vous été en Amérique ? means 'how long have you been in America?' in French.

What does combien coute mean?

How much/ what price

What does this mean of ca c'est bon combien d'annee est ce que tu as etudie la francais?

basically, "how long have you studied French?"

What does 'Combien d'eleves parlent' mean?

"combien d'élèves parlent" means "how many pupils are speaking"