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That sensory input and beliefs do not constitute knowledge

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Q: What does Descartes attempt to prove in his first mediation?
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How does descartes prove that he exists?

Descartes uses this statement to prove that he exists: "I think, therefore I am." He uses this as proof because him thinking shows he is capable of having a free will and keeping his own opinions.

What did Descartes hope to prove through the method of doubt?

Descartes hoped to prove with that method of doubt that inconsistencies in research can be proven. By doubting scientific findings, people begin to question it which leads to more research.

What was descartes hoping to prove by doubting everything?

that truth comes from observation and experience

Can you prove that fairies are not real?

No. Any person trained in logic will tell you that 'you cannot prove a negative'. If you want to disprove the existence of fairies you first attempt to try and prove their existence. And the best you can do is to fail to prove it. The option to prove it always exists.

How did Rene Descartes prove god's existence?

Rene Descartes philosophy of logic and rationality led him to come to the conclusion that God must exist. Without his existence, there is not explanation for the universe.

Why does Descartes use the method of doubt?

He started from the thought that if you doubt everything, then you have to prove that everything exists and that man exists. If you start from nothing as he did, then you have to admit that there is something. I am, therefore I exist.

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He gave that name to himself in an attempt to prove to Vin that he was once human.

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Who is the first person to prove that lightning is a form of electricity?

Benjamin Franklin was the first person to prove that lightning is a form of electricity.

How does Zinn attempt to prove that the Indians were not inferior?

Read Ch. 1 of Howard Zinn's A People's History Of The United States.

How can you tell that ferns do not have leaves?

Prove it you first

Who was the first to prove that lighting is actually a giant electrical spark?

Benjamin Franklin was the first person to prove that lightning is a form of electricity.