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to get up to something?

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Q: What does En lever means?
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What does lever mean in French?

The French word lever means to raise in English.The English word lever means levier in French.

What do en in spanish mean?

"en" means "in" or "on"

What does en banlieue mean?

Banlieue means suburbs. So en banlieue means the suburbs.

The turning point of a lever is called?

its called a ditonomic lever where it means congratulations on searching this answer

What does En francais mean?

The statement 'Parlez en francais' means Speak in French. In the word-by-word translation, the verb 'parlez' means '[you] speak'. The preposition 'en' means 'in'. The noun 'francais' means 'French'.

What does up and down mean in french?

'Up' means 'en haut' and 'down' means 'en bas'.

How do you say ride horses in spanish?

Montar en caballo means to ride a horse in spanish.Add an s to caballo (caballos) to make it plural.Él monta en caballo means he rides a horse.Ella monta en caballo means she rides a horse.Ellos montan en caballos means they ride horses.Nosotros montamos en caballos means we ride horses.Tu montas en caballo means you ride a horse.

What holds the cutter firmly in position by means of a locking cam and eliminates chatter?

lever clamp

What is the meaning of 'Je suis en attente pour vous'?

The phrase 'en attente' means waiting, pending, on hold. In the word-by-word translation, the preposition 'en' means 'in'. The noun 'attente' means 'wait'.

What is EN approval means?

EN approval stands for Elf Nation.

What is rostro en en English?

It means face; a person's face.

What does a cable shift mean?

Quite simply it means that the connection between the gear lever & the gearbox is a cable. Other means of connection are. Direct from the gear lever into the gearbox Rod linkage between the gear lever & the gearbox.