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acetyl CoA

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5d ago

Fatty acid oxidation produces acetyl-CoA, which can then enter the Krebs cycle for energy production. This process also generates ATP, which provides energy for various cellular functions. Additionally, fatty acid oxidation produces NADH and FADH2, which play essential roles in supplying electrons to the electron transport chain for ATP production in oxidative phosphorylation.

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Q: What does Fatty acid oxidation produce?
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How many ATP are produced of stearic acid?

One molecule of stearic acid can produce up to 147 molecules of ATP through beta-oxidation, which is the process of breaking down fatty acids for energy production in cells.

How many ATP you would get from a 18 carbon fatty acid?

Oxidizing an 18-carbon fatty acid through beta-oxidation can yield around 147 ATP molecules.

What are fatty acids converted to in Beta oxidation?

beta oxidation of fatty acids ocur only if the triacylglycerol molecule of the fatty acid is cleaved intu its component fatty acid and glycerol .the fatty acid b-oxdn is nw ready 2 proceed 1.thiokinase adds CO-A to FA 2.acyl CO-A dehydrogenase oxidises the fatty acid 3.enoyl CO hydrates adds water 4.b-hydroxy acyl CO-A dehyrase oxidises 5.tiolase adds CO-A and splits off acyl COA. DH to electron transport n chemiosmosis for each round PROVIDING *acyl CO to b oxidised in krebs cycle. *1FADH n NA

What is the equation of the reaction of the soap and the hydrochloric acid?

The reaction between soap, which is typically a salt of a fatty acid, and hydrochloric acid would produce the fatty acid and the salt of hydrochloric acid. The general equation would be: Soap (fatty acid salt) + HCl → Fatty acid + HCl.

When fats are metabolized the fatty acids enter the reactions of the?

When fats are metabolized, the fatty acids enter the reactions of the citric acid cycle (Krebs cycle) where they are broken down further to produce energy in the form of ATP. This cycle takes place within the mitochondria of the cells.

Related questions

On a basic level how does fatty acid oxidation work?

Fatty acid oxidation is the process in which fatty acids are broken down by tissues to produce energy. Fatty acids are the residue left from fats being broken down.

What are the differences between fatty acid synthesis and beta-oxidation?

Fatty acid synthesis is the process of building long-chain fatty acids from acetyl-CoA, while beta-oxidation is the process of breaking down fatty acids to produce acetyl-CoA. Fatty acid synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm, whereas beta-oxidation occurs in the mitochondria. Fatty acid synthesis requires NADPH as a reducing agent, while beta-oxidation generates NADH and FADH2 as reducing agents.

What are producing more ATP in between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids?

In saturated fatty acid oxidation, the first step is a dehydrogenase reaction. This yields a trans double bond on carbons 2 and 3 from the CoA end. A product of the reaction is FADH2 which can be used to make ATP. In oxidation of an unsaturated fatty acid, the double bond is not recognized by the dehydrogenase reaction therefore you have to use a secondary isomeration reaction to produce the same product as you did in saturated fatty acid oxidation. This skips the effective "first step" and does not produce FADH2 meaning less ATP is produce.

Fatty acids are metabolized by what pathway?

Beta-oxidation is the major pathway by which fatty acids are metabolized. However, there are other minor pathways for fatty acid metabolized. These include alpha-oxidation (for branched fatty acids) and omega-oxidation.

What is a incomplete oxidation of fatty acid?

kentone boby../ ketosis

What does oxidation of a primary alcohol produce?

Minimal oxidation will produce an aldehyde, stronger oxidation will produce a carboxylic acid, and complete oxidation will produce carbon dioxide and water.

Fatty acid oxidation results in the direct production of?

Acetyl CoA

What are the products from the complete oxidation of fatty acid?

water, carbon dioxide and energy

A 12 carbon long fatty acid is catabolized by B-oxidation What is the final net yield of ATP?

12 carbon long fatty acid is catabolized by B-oxidation. What is the final net yield of ATP? ________ just give the number with no words

Which one should you eat even or odd no fatty acid?

We should take even numbered fatty acid because even numbered fatty acid can easily be oxidized through beta oxidation for energy production but to oxidize odd numbered fatty acid, some other enzymes are needed..... psyche....

Can fatty acids be converted to oxaloacetate?

Not directly. Fatty acid β-oxidation results in acetyl CoA, which is then entered to the Citric Acid cycle. The "last" step of the cycle is the formation of oxaloacetate from malate.

Why oxidation of formic acid does not produce HO COOH?

Oxidation of formic acid with K2CrO4 produces carbonic acid (HO COOH), but this molecule is very unstable, it tends to decompose in CO2 and H2O.