

What does Frequency effects?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What does Frequency effects?
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No. Gravity effects its' orbit but not its' transmission frequency.

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What are the effects of changing the frequency of a wave?

The wavelength and the energy are automatically changed.

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It greatly reduces the total population, which increases the effects of genetic drift on allele frequency.

What is a RF Lead?

What is sometimes called a Radio Frequency lead is a shielded cable used beween pieces of equipement to reduce the effects of radio frequency interference.

Explain the effects on frequency wavelength and energy as you move across the spectrum?

E=hv where E=energy v=frequency v=Planck's constant as you move further towards the xray side, frequency and energy increase.

Why kirchhoff law are not applied to high frequency circuit?

They are, but you must correctly account for parasitic effects.

What is a Doppler effects?

Change of frequency (of sound or light) dependent on the relative velocity of the two objects.

What variable effects the frequency of a pendulum?

The color of the weight at the end of the string. (That's the "bob".)

What is frequency hopping in gsm?

Multi wave propagation varies the signal strength which causes fading dips. This is known as Rayleigh fading which is frequency dependent. Frequency Hopping changes the frequency with time to eliminate frequency dependent Rayleigh fading. Frequency Hopping reduces the effects of interferences and gives a great support to cater the capacity upgrading as well.

Why Fm is more immune to noise than AM?

b/c information lies in frequency... while in AM information lies in amplitude and noise effects the amplitude more as compare to frequency....... there for.....