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The Hebrew word elohim is a plural form of el(god) and, when used with plural verbs or in a plural context, means 'gods'; when used with a singular verb it came to mean 'God' - a kind of royal plural. Generally, early biblical translators substituted terms such as 'Lord' because they misunderstood the nuances or the Hebrew plural, or because they did not accept that The Bible could be talking about gods.

In Genesis 18:2, the three men are elohim and, elsewhere, the English translation 'Lord' is variously to all or one of the three men (gods). The modern explanation is that the men were really angels. First, the gods told the elderly Sarah that she would have a child. Sarah laughed at this but, when rebuked said that she had not laughed but was afraid of them. Then the gods turned to go to Sodom and Gomorrah, to bring about their destruction, although the discussion immediately turns to just one city. Abraham argued with them that they should not destroy the city if there were any righteous people living there.

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Q: What does Genesis chapter 18 mean?
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