

Best Answer

Note: The common answer is "I am that I am" However, when properly translated from Hebrew, it's "I will be that I will be" Not that it matters to most people.

Exodus 3:14 (King James Version)

14And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.

John 18:3-8

3Then receiving a cohort and under-officers from among the chief priests and the Pharisees, Judas came there with torches and lamps and weapons.

4 Then knowing all the things coming upon Him, going forth, Jesus said to them, Whom do you seek?

5 They answered Him, Jesus the Nazarene. Jesus said to them, I AM! And Judas, the one betraying Him, also stood with them.

6 Then when He said to them, I AM, they departed into the rear and fell to the ground.

7 Then again He asked, Whom do you seek? And they said, Jesus the Nazarene.

8 Jesus answered, I told you that I AM; then if you seek Me, allow these to depart,

And just some extra stuff

  • LIVING WATER [John 4:10]
  • THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD [John 8:12]
  • JESUS. The Hebrew yeshua' or yehoshua', meaning "Jehovah saves," is transliterated into English as the name Joshua. In Greek, it became Iesous, thence Iesus in Latin and Jesus in English. Since Jesus was actually Jehovah performing saving work, his name yeshua', "Jehovah saves," coincides precisely.
  • MESSIAH from the Hebrew meshiach, "anointed one." Applied to Jesus, the title retains its full sense of "anointed" prophet, priest, and king.
  • CHRIST. Greek for Messiah (anointed one) is Christos, Christ in English. Thus, "Jesus Christ" joins a name and a title, and means Jesus the Messiah.
  • SON OF GOD. Jesus was not the son of any mortal man. His biological father was God, the Father. As Son of God, Jesus represents the Father and acts as his agent in all things.
  • SON OF MAN. From his mother Jesus inherited mortality. Hebrew ben 'Adam denotes "a son of Adam," that is, any mortal man (Dan. 8:17). Thus, as a son of Adam, Jesus represents Adam's children, acting as their agent with the Father. As both Son of God and Son of Man, Jesus stands between God and man as mediator. With the definite article, the Son of Man described an expected apocalyptic heavenly figure, identified with the Messiah (Dan. 7:13). Jesus is the son of the archetypal Man, the perfect heavenly Man, the Eternal Father. In this sense, "Son of Man" equals "Son of God" and conveys an intentional ambiguity, reflecting both Jesus' mortal and immortal parentage.
  • SON OF DAVID. Jews expected the Messiah to belong to David's lineage. Prophets had foretold that a son (descendant) of David would restore Israel's kingdom to its former zenith (see Isa. 11:1-9; Jer. 23:5-6). According to Matthew 1:1-16, Jesus was descended from David. "Son of David" refers particularly to Jesus' messiahship in its political aspect as Davidic king.
  • JEHOVAH. Jesus was Jehovah himself, God of Israel, not son of Jehovah (Isa. 41:14; 43:11,14. In medieval Hebrew texts, the vowels from 'adonai were added to the consonants yhwh to remind Jewish readers to say "'adonai." English translators adopted this convention, creating the artificial form "Jehovah."
  • EL. 'El is not a name, but is the common noun for God in Hebrew (plural, 'elohim). In the Old Testament, El and its cognates, such as Elohim and El Shaddai (God Almighty), usually refer to the premortal Jesus, the God ('el) of the Old Testament.
  • EMMANUEL. Since Jesus was the ancient El, the angel (Matt. 1:23) correctly called his name Emmanuel (Hebrew, 'immanu'el), meaning El (god) with us.
  • THE LORD. Since Jews uttered 'adonai (Lord) instead of the divine name, the Greek Bible (c. 200 B.C.) usually translated yhwh as ho kurios, "the Lord." Thus, "the Lord," whether 'adonai or kurios, equalled "Jehovah." Not surprisingly, "the Lord" is Jesus' most common title in the New Testament. The confession of the early Church, "Jesus is Lord" could only mean Jesus is Jehovah.
  • I AM. In Exodus 3:14, Jehovah (Jesus Christ) identified himself as "I AM," perhaps affirming Jesus as the creator who exists independently of his creation. Scholars see connections between this Old Testament title and Jesus' many "I Am" statements in the New Testament, for example, "I Am the good Shepherd" (John 10:11, 14), or "Before Abraham was I Am" (John 8:58).
  • FATHER. In at least three senses Jesus is Father: (1) he is the creator of the physical universe; (2) he is the Father's agent in everything pertaining to this creation and its inhabitants; and (3) he is Father of all eternal, resurrected human beings. Jesus Christ begets spiritually and gives eternal life to one "born again," who thus becomes Christ's son or daughter.
  • SECOND COMFORTER. The Holy Ghost, the Comforter, comforts the faithful with the assurance of inheriting the kingdom of God. However, through faith in Christ one can receive a second comforter, an appearance of Jesus himself, who assures the individual of his or her place in the kingdom. After a witness from the Spirit, the Second Comforter is a personal witness from the risen Lord (John 14:16-23).
  • SAVIOR. The most sublime of titles, Savior underscores Jesus' role in the divine plan. Both Old and New Testaments specify that the Savior is God (Isa. 45:21-23; Luke 1:47; etc.). Through agony and death suffered for others, Jesus is able to erase imperfections and bestow worthiness, on condition of repentance. Since imperfect beings cannot reside in God's presence Jesus saves believers from their imperfection, their sins, and their worst selves.
  • THE WORD. As words carry the thoughts of one mind to the minds of others, so Jesus communicates the mind and will of the Father to mortals. Moreover, as words are agents for expression, so from the beginning (John 1:1-3) Jesus is the agent for expressing and accomplishing the Father's will. Christ is both the messenger and the message.
  • ALPHA AND OMEGA. Equivalent to the Old Testament term "the first and the last" (e.g., Isa. 44:6), alpha and omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. Just as no letters stand before alpha or after omega, so there are no others this creation than that represented in Jesus Christ. He encompasses all, from beginning to end; he extends beyond all extremities and categories.
  • ONLY BEGOTTEN. Jesus Christ is the only being begotten by the Father in mortality. His full title is "the Only Begotten of the Father in the flesh."
  • LAMB OF GOD. In the first Passover, a slain lamb's blood was daubed on Israelites' houses to avert the destroyer. In the New Testament, Jesus is understood as a Passover lamb supplied by God, and Passover stands as a type for the death of Jesus, the Lamb of God, whose blood, through baptism and the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, protects Christians from the destroyer, Satan. Animal sacrifices in ancient times were similitudes of the sacrifice of the Only Begotten of the Father.
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