

What does Greek goddess Hera acts like?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Hera unlike a lot of goddessses was basically completely loyal to her husband Zeus being the goddess of marriage and all. she was very beautiful but very jealous of all of Zeus's lovers Zeus turned his lover io into a cow to avoid hera's wrath. she also turned echo into a silent person who can only echo wat she just heard when echo said that she had not seen Zeus and that Zeus was looking for hera when he was having an affair. when she figured this out she turned echo into only having the ability to echo what she just heard hence the name echo.

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Don't worry that more people like Zeus---people like you too!

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Where is the Greek goddess Hera usually found?

In the antique sculpture department of a large museum such as the Metropolitan or the Louvre.

What does the Greek goddess Hera look like and why?

Hera is a bad woman. she looks like a really nice lady. she usually wears purple,she has curly hair, and she likes to wear crowns.

What do you do to look like Hera?

All images of the Greek goddess Hera were imagined by artists based on the verbal lore they were at the time familiar with. Her image then is different but identifiable by her symbols, as is the case with most gods and goddess of ancient times. There is no one imagine for everyone to identify as 'Hera'.

What does Hera the Greek goddess mostly think about?

my guess is wondering about Zeus. she doesn't like it when he goes down and marries mortals.

What does hera the name look like in roman?

Hera was the Greek goddess who was the wife of Zeus, the god of gods and who was chiefly a divinity of women and marriage. Her equivalent in Roman religion was Juno. the wife of Jupiter.