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Q: What does Hectors encounter with his wife and child tell you about his character?
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A man generally feels reluctant about the telling of encounter. He fears that their relationship will end because of this. So generally a man does not tell about his encounter.

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If you tell me where cappy is in the caverns, ill tell you how to beat it.

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You can tell by how the character is written. Behavior of a character will tell you along with the authors description.

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Writing can tell everything about a character, from the way they look and act to the way they think and speak.

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I'm pretty sure you don't. But if you can, please tell me how to.

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when an author doesn't tell you a character's personality directly so you have to figure it out based on the character's actions.

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You can't, a doctor can. If you believe your child has cancer then you need to see a doctor and tell them the symptoms that your child is having.

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There is no way of telling if a child will be or is gay. Ask them, and if they trust you enough, they will tell you an honest answer.

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Yes she can. tell your child that she can do it and tell her to also belive in herself!

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You tell me