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Q: What does Henry fear will happen if the colonies wait too long to confront the British?
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Patrick Henry's writing was influenced by the Enlightenment in that it was rational and encouraged people to think for themselves.

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For at least 10 years before the Declaration of Independence, there had been constant problems between Great Britain and her American colonies. By the early 1770's matters between the British Crown and the colonies was heating up to the boiling point. The main dispute in 1774 was the so-called Intolerable Acts passed by the British Parliament. In 1775, Edmund Burke was trying to prevent an armed conflict. He spoke in the House of Commons and pleaded for a reconciliation to avoid a rebellion in the American colonies. The majority of the Members of Parliament, however, rejected any compromises with the colonies. Burke had warned them that using force in America would be a disaster.Back in Virginia, Patrick Henry, was advised about the intransigent British Parliament. Henry appealed for a united colonies and asked for support for the city of Boston, which had been a hotbed of conspiracy. His speech contained the famous words of " .... give me liberty or give me death.." were meant to take up arms against the British. Henry was a solid supporter of separating the colonies from Great Britain. This of course was treason.