

What does Islam have that christainity people don't have?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Answer: 1) The complete message. Jesus said, in the Gospel of John 14 thru 20, "I have told you many things now but I have not told you everything for you are not ready for it. But when the 'Paracletos' (from the Greek) comes, he will bring you into the full knowledge. And he will not speak from himself, but whsoever he hears from the Father, that shall he speak". Muslims believe that Jesus was not talking about the Holy Spirit, here, as the official interpretation of the Church goes. If the original word in Greek - since there are no gospels in the language of Jesus, which was Aramaic - is 'Piracletos' instead of 'Paracletos' then the meaning is clear. It is the name of a person which means 'the praised one'. In Hebrew the name is Hamda. In Arabic it is Ahmad - which is precisely what the Qur'an says that Jesus called Muhammad. So Muhammad was the long-awaited one who would bring the final revelation from God - and bring people into the complete knowledge. 2) As mentioned above, there are no gospels in the original language Jesus spoke. The Qur'an, however, has been maintained in its original language. Is this important? Oh yes, it is. For example, Jesus is called the 'son' of God. In English it would mean, literally, a son - one who is the offspring of his father. But in Hebrew and Aramaic, it means 'servant' more than it means son. Christians argue that Jesus is the 'Son' with a CAPITAL 'S'. But again, in Hebrew, Aramaic and Arabic there are no capital letters. 3) The Qur'an is God's complete code of Law - much like the Torah given to Moses. The Gospels do not contain laws which give guidance for everything in life - only spiritual principles. That is because Jesus did not bring a new Law. He said: "I came not to destroy the Law, but to fulfill". He also said that: "Not one bit of the Law will pass until all is fulfilled". Mankind needs laws in order to fully live by God's will. Not just spiritual precepts. When Jesus returns - which we Muslims also believe in - he will declare to everyone that the complete Law of God is still valid - and that Muhammad is the one who brought that Law in its final form. I suggest you get a hold of a translation of the Qur'an and read for yourself. Peace.

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