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Except for the fact that they were both serial killers that were never identified or caught they have nothing to do with each other.

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Q: What does Jack The Ripper have to do with the Zodiac killer?
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Who is more famous Jack The Ripper or BTK?

Jack is more famous. He reached media in a metropolitan area making him the first known serial killer. His fame reached all over the globe. Not having been caught, his fame was carried throught generations. Today people still follow the media, books and websites to hear or read new ripper news. BTK and the zodiac killed more people than the ripper did. The zodiac killer as a serial killer was better or worse than Jack the ripper even in the times when technology makes it easier to trap a killer.

Is Jack The Ripper the most mysterious murderer in the world?

Although opinions may differ I believe JTR is the most mysterious killer in the world. Over a century later the Ripper has become a household name. Zodiac and the Black Dahlia killer have their place in criminal history but none are as well known or as enduring as Saucy Jack.

What serial killer should you do a project on?

Jack The Ripper

What famous killer was on the loose in 1860?

Jack the Ripper

What was famous killer on the loose in London?

Jack the Ripper.

Who is the most famous killer?

The most famous serial killer is arguably Jack the Ripper, in part because the mystery of his identity has remained unsolved for over two centuries.But the most famous killer of all would have to be the first murderer, the biblical Cain who slew his brother Abel and introduced sorrow into the world.

When was Jack the Ripper so famous?

Jack the Ripper is the moniker for a serial killer who killed homeless prostitutes beginning in 1888 in London.

What hat did Jack the Ripper wear?

The killer known as Jack The Ripper was never caught so it is unknown if he even wore a hat.

Who was a serial killer between 1754 and 1828?

jack the ripper

Who was the killer in the movie the lodger?

Alfred Hitchcock based the killer on Jack The Ripper, and because the Ripper was never caught, I don't think Hitchcock would have revealed his serial killer either.

What about Jack The Ripper?

Jack The Ripper is an unidentified serial killer who murdered prostitutes in London's East End Whitechapel area beginning in early 1888.

What did Jack the Ripper do to people?

He killed and ripped woman's bodies. The police received a boasting letter from a man claiming to be the killer. It was signed Jack The Ripper.