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The letter to Jews who had become Christian's from the apostle Paul states clearly. "Let marriage be honorable among all. and the marriage bed be without defilement, for God will judge fornicators and adulterers." HEBREWS 13:4. We believe that marriage is a sacred God given arrangement and married ( also single ) persons should remain morally clean and loyal to their marriage mate.

all persons claiming to be Christians should believe and practice this. Not just Jehovah's Witnesses. When persons ignore this counsel a lot of lives get wreaked.Trust this answers your question.

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Q: What does Jehovah witness believe about the marriage bed?
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Of course... Jehovah's Witnesses enjoy sexual relations with their marriage mate, just as anyone else. It would be pretty difficult if they slept in separate beds. However, I guess there's nothing wrong with sleeping in searate beds, if you're both in agreement !

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they walk around with their feet on the see bed india. i believe that their are ghosts at weddings also

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Yes. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) generally sleep in the same bed after marriage, just like any other married couple. If they don't sleep in the same bed, that is a personal choice with no religious basis.

What is ironic about Oedipus' statement his marriage bed my bed of seed?

Oedipus unknowingly marries his mother, Jocasta, and begets children with her. The statement is ironic because when he refers to the marriage bed as his "bed of seed," he unknowingly alludes to the incestuous nature of his relationship with Jocasta.

Where in the bible does it say marriage is honarable and the bed is undefiled?

Hebrews 13:4, "Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge".

Do christians believe in sex inside marriage?

Chritians believe that marriage is the only union were people are allowed to have sex,according to the bible book of 1st conrinthians7,1-40;that because of sexual immorality and lack of self control,each man should have his wife,it also said they should not deprive each other of their bodies expect in time of fasting and prayers. So instead of been of sinner accused of fornication/adultery its better to have your own husband/wife,remember marriage is honourable but the bed undefiled. So christians believe in sex inside marriage.

Is a queen bed longer than a double bed?

I do believe that a queen bed is longer and bigger than a double bed:)

Who built odysseus' bed?

Odysseus built his and his wife's bed and did so around an olive tree to symbolize the strength of their marriage.

Do bed-wetting cause bed bugs?

I believe that urinating in the bed can cause bed bugs because the smell might can attract them.

Does a Jehovah's Witnesses have to be in the house by 9 PM at night?

Jehovah's Witnesses can stay out how ever long they want. Personally I have been out till the 'Wee hours of the morning'. Of course Jehovah's Witnesses do believe in taking care of our bodies by getting good rest, what times we go to bed or are in the house simply don't have anything to do with our worship to Jehovah God. We are not banned to do anything. We can technically do whatever we want. But we choose to do good things be cause we want to please God. But when it comes to something like this it really doesn't matter what we do. Different households have different limitations for their families.

Why do some historians believe shakespeare did not have a happy marriage?

Factors which some people cite to support their idea that Shakespeare and Anne did not have a happy marriage are that they lived apart for many years after the birth of the twins, and had no further children, and also Shakespeare's will which only mentions his wife in the gift of his "second-best bed".