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They don't, the Jews only believe in one God.

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Q: What does Jewish religion believe in two gods?
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When religion that believes in many gods is?

Religions that believe in many Gods are called Polytheistic religions- ones that believe in only one are called Monotheistic, those that believe in two are called Dualistic.

What two characteristics identify and describe Greek religion?

the different religion is like greek gods and roman gods see they didn't believe in just 1 god they believed in many

Is it possible to have two gods?

Yes. With freedom of religion, it is possible to believe anything you want to believe! Others may or may not agree, but this is certainly a personal prerogative.

What if there is two gods?

This is called polytheism! If you are interested in this read up on the Hindu religion, or any of the pagan/neo-pagan religions which believe in all sorts of gods, demigods and deities.

What two gods believed in immortality?

Most gods believe in immortality, being immortal.

What two things did people offer to the gods and goddesses?

Depends which religion

What is polytheism's main belief?

polytheism is not a religion. It is rather a class of religions. polytheistic religions believe in existence of more than two gods or godesses, while dualism believes in two gods and monotheism in one god. poly- many in greek, theos- belief in greek

Is Pink an atheist?

Her father is Catholic and her mother is Jewish. So most likely one of the two, but she could of separated from her religion. She doesn't identify with any religion.

Do a lot of people believe in Jewish religion?

All the Jews in the world ... practicing and non-practicing, believing and non-believing ... amount to about 0.2% (two tenths of one percent) of the world's population.

What religion worshiped 3 main gods Brahma the creator Vishnu the preserver and Shiva the destroyer?

Hinduism has these gods but unlike the Christian Trinity they are not all the supreme Gods. Brahma is usually seen as a creator god but not the Supreme. Hindu sects vary over which of the other two are supreme. Vaishnavas believe Vishnu is the Supreme God. Shaivites believe that Shiva is supreme. Most Hindus believe that Shiva and Vishnu are different versions of the Ultimate Person of God.

Why do 1 of japaneses believe in Christian?

Japan have two major religion Shintoism and Buddhism. Shintoism have several gods; for them Jesus is just a new addition. Buddhism on the other hand does not require belief or not believe in god/s or goddess/es. So it's OK for them to believe in Jesus also.

Do Judaism and Jewish mean the same thing?

The two words are closely related. "Judaism" is a noun whose meaning is "the Jewish religion." "Jewish" is an adjective whose meaning is "a person whose religion is Judaism." If you're Jewish, you practice Judaism.