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he hates it and wants to kill victor also loves the food there

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Q: What does Joey tell Paul about Tangerine Middle?
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What does Joey tell Paul about the reputation the kids on tangerine middle school soccer team have In tangerine?

Joey tells Paul that the kids on the Tangerine Middle School soccer team have a reputation for being unbeatable and having a lot of talent. They are known for being a dominant force in their division and have a strong winning tradition.

Why doesn't paul tell his parnets about all the terrible things he has seen Erik do from the book tangerine?

Because he is afraid of his older brother erik

How do you tell if a tangerine is bad?

When a tangerine goes bad, its skin will develop brown splotches and will come loose from the fruit inside it.

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Who is joey Burton?

no hes not! but joey Williams is the annoyinest kid ever! but to tell you the truth he is pretty smexy;) and so yes joey is hot!

Does mai like joey?

She does,but she also likes Valon.At first, Mai liked Joey as a close friend,after time goes by,she liked him as a crush.She just didn't really have the courage to tell Joey.And I could tell that Joey liked Mai as well but had the same issue about tell her about it. At the end of the series,it doesn't really tell you if Mai and Joey actually became a couple or stayed between good friends. :)

What did you learn about tangerine book?

Did you read the book or what? But I'll be nice and do your homework for you. Paul's friend, Luis, was hit by a blackjack by Arthur after Erik told him to do it. Mike also died. He was my favorite character. :( That's all I'm going to tell you. Good luck! =)

What is Joey Graceffa's sexual orientation?

No one really knows yet. The "tinder" thing might be someone fake pretending to be Joey Graceffa. Joey will tell his viewers himself.

What is the theme of tangerine?

The theme of "Tangerine" by Edward Bloor revolves around the concepts of discrimination, family dynamics, environmental issues, and the power of perseverance. The novel explores how these themes impact the protagonist, Paul, as he navigates through challenges and struggles in his life.

What did Byron tell Kenny and joey the garbage trucks were for?

the frozen people

What episode in yugioh does joey tell kaiba he has no friends?

Ep 221.

Who are the back up drummers for slipknot?

Paul, I forgot his lastname but if you go to and look at their profiles then it should tell you just about everyhing