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Q: What does Joseph tell his brothers and his father to do after he reveals his true identity?
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What did Joseph's brothers do to deceive their father to cover up that they had sold Joseph into slavery?

The brothers sold Joseph to traders in Egypt, but the brothers smeared blood on the coloured coat and said a wild animal killed Joseph.

Who is the father of Jesus brother?

Joseph, the husband of Mary His mother. Although to be quite explicit, Jesus brothers were only half-brothers since Joseph was not Jesus' father but God.

How did Joseph's brothers plan to tell their father about Joseph's death?

Josephs brothers smeared blood of a animal on Josephs famous colored coat. And they told their father that a wild animal killed him.

What happened when Joseph met up with his brothers many years later in Egypt?

Joseph forgive them and went back home with his father and brothers

Is Joseph the father of Christ?

No. They are different persons, separated by at least 18 centuries. The first Joseph was the son of the patriarch Jacob. He (the first Joseph) was betrayed by his older brothers. One of those brothers was Judah. The Joseph of the New Testament was at least the 38th grandson of Judah, the brother of the first Joseph.

What are the moral issues in the story of Joseph and his brothers?

(Genesis ch.37) Why did Joseph recount his dreams, if doing so might displease his brothers Why did Jacob show special attention to Joseph, plus give him the colored tunic Why did the brothers show displeasure with Joseph Why did Joseph have dreams which seem to point to overmuch pride Why did Jacob send Joseph to meet his brothers, knowing that they were displeased with him Why did the brothers seek to harm Joseph Why did Reuben and Judah mitigate the threat that Joseph was put in Why was Joseph sold into captivity (Now if you'll post each of the above questions separately, we'll provide answers)

Who recognizes Odysseus by his scar?

Eurycleia recognizes Odysseus purely by his scar.Eumaeus and Philoetius recognize Odysseus by his scar after Odysseus reveals who he is. Laertes, Odysseus' father, also recognizes Odysseus by his scar after Odysseus reveals his identity.

What two incidents does the Bible present as the cause of Joseph's brothers' hostility toward him?

One reason was the dreams which Joseph had symbolizing his brothers bowing down to him. Another was the fact that Joseph was the favored child of their father. This was shown in the gift to Joseph of a multicolored coat.

What gift did Joseph receive from his father?

Joseph received a special coat of many colors from his father, Jacob. This gift was a symbol of favoritism and caused jealousy and conflict among Joseph and his brothers.

What does the Sun Moon and the 11 strars represent in Joseph's dream from the bible?

The Sun represents Jacob (Joseph's father), the Moon represents Rachel (Joseph's mother), and the 11 stars represent Joseph's brothers. The dream symbolizes Joseph's family bowing down to him, foreshadowing his future leadership role over his family.

Who was sold into slavery by his brothers in the Old Testament?

Joseph was sold to potiphar who was the second most important besides the pharoah