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Q: What does Locke mean when he says a enjoyment of rights in the state of nature is unsafe and insecure and Can you think of an examples of this?
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yes it does

Which rights come from God or nature?

No rights come from God or Nature. The rich grab the rights, then claim that they received them from God or Nature.

Along with the enjoyment of fundamental rights comes a responsibility to ensure what?

Their strength and endurance

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use, enjoyment and bare ownership

What are your rights as a tenant when you feel uncomfortable?

You aren't explaining the nature of your discomfort, but in general tenants have what is called the right to "quiet enjoyment" of an apartment. If something is happening that is affecting that right, then you may be able to take some action. please define ''uncomfortable''

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The Declaration of Independence stated that "all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights . . . namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety."The Bill of Rights was an attempt to name and quantify those important rights, making it more clear and giving the citizens a better understanding of what that meant.

Are fundamental rights absolute in nature?

yes fundamental rights are justiciable.

What is a natural rights?

sees laws in nature as informing the construction of human laws

What are examples of natural rights?

Whats A Nonexample of Unalienable Rights

Which term describes rights that are based on nature and providence?

Natural and inalienable rights.

What was the grimk?

moral nature of human rights

How ombudsman seek to safeguard the rights of the consumer?

The purpose of the Convention is to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities.