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Lady Macbeth was made of sterner stuff than her husband off the battlefield. Where he hesitated, she stiffened his courage and determination to kill their sovereign by likening a reluctance for murder to that for passion. In Act 1 Scene 7 of the Shakespearean play, Macbeth [c. 1014-August 15, 1057] regretted having considered foul means for claiming the Scottish crown and throne from King Duncan I [d. August 14, 1040]. But his wife [b. c. 1015] wouldn't be talked out of the murderous plot that she already had worked out. She accused her husband of inconstancy and unreliability. She asked if his commitment to their marriage and his feelings for her as his spouse were equally changing and undependable.

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14y ago
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14y ago

Lady Macbeth [b. c. 1015] had considerable influence on her husband. In Act 1 Scene 7, Macbeth [c. 1014-August 15, 1057] told his wife that they weren't going to carry out their murderous plans against King Duncan I [d. August 14, 1040]. Macbeth's Lady refused to back out. She got him to back down and recommit himself to heinous crimes that he had talked himself out of. Her strategy was likening his yo-yo commitment to murder to a yo-yo commitment to marriage.

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13y ago

Lady Macbeth was the dominant figure in their marriage... she had high hopes and aspirations for Macbeth to achieve. Upon hearing Macbeth had been given a prophecy that he would become king, she believed it was her duty to make this prophecy come true. She believed it was her job to either kill the present King Duncan herself or push Macbeth towards doing it. She voices her fears for Macbeth's strength in Act I, scene 5

"Yet do I fear thy nature;It is too full o' th' milk of human kindness

To catch the nearest way: thou wouldst be great,

Art not without ambition"

Essentially she says she fears Macbeth is too kind and pure in heart to commit a crime to get higher in status.

Having all this in mind, she approaches Macbeth very hopefully, praising him and telling him how much he deserves becoming King of Scotland. She eventually gets around to telling Macbeth her plan to murder the king and overtake the throne, when King Duncan stays at their home the following night. Macbeth is, as Lady Macbeth predicted, unsure and doubtful a plan like this would work or if he even wants to do this, but Lady Macbeth manipulates him into agreeing, calling him a coward and not man enough to do this one little thing she asks of him, all the while telling him she is only doing this for his good.

Hope this helped.

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8y ago

In act I scene 5 she strengthens her resolve to persuade Macbeth to commit murder by praying to some pretty dodgy-sounding gods. However, she never admits that to anyone. There isn't anything else she does to strengthen her resolve.

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11y ago

Lady Macbeth was the one who encouraged Macbeth to kill Duncan, giving him the confidence and courage to do the deed.

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14y ago

She injures his pride

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10y ago

she had a sip of wine

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