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It is a difficult line, all right. I think what it boils down to is if you know what I've done (know my deed) then you won't want to know me. But he says this line to himself; he is alone on stage when he says it. So he is telling himself that he wished he was a stranger to himself because what he has done is so horrible. It's a weird concept.

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Q: What does Macbeth mean when he says to know my deed 'twere best not know myself?
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What characteristic of blank verse can you find in this line to know my deed 'twere best not know myself?

You find the ten syllable characteristic of iambic pentameter, a very common rhythm for blank verse, in the line, "to know my deed 'twere best not know myself." Macbeth was written by William Shakespeare.

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What part does lady Macbeth play in Macbeth decision to kill the king?

Her part is decisive. If you read or watch Act 1 Scene 7 you will know that Macbeth, left on his own, decided not to commit the murder. He says "We shall proceed no further in this business." Lady Macbeth then proceeds to change his mind, at least for long enough that the deed gets done. She appeals to his irrational emotions, when his decision not to commit the murder was based on reason and logic, as shown in Macbeth's speech, "If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well it were done quickly."

Both lady Macbeth Macbeth comment on the water cleaning their involvement in the deed?

yes, they do

How did lady Macbeth help to murder the king?

Lady Macbeth helped murder King Duncan by encouraging and manipulating her husband, Macbeth, to carry out the murder. She devised the plan, provided the logistics, and urged Macbeth to complete the deed. She also drugged the guards to ensure they would be unconscious during the deed.

What part does Lady Macbeth play in Macbeths decision to kill the king?

The crucial part. Without Lady Macbeth, this would have been Macbeth's final decision: "We will proceed no further in this business." Macbeth would never have killed Duncan unless Lady Macbeth had goaded him into it.

What deed does Lady Macbeth urge her husband to perform?

The murder of the king.

What does Lady Macbeth mean when she says The attempt and not the deed confounds us?

Lady Macbeth and Macbeth attempted to do the murder. They will be punished for what they attempted to do even if they didnt succeed

Who was murdered for there throne in Macbeth?

King Duncan was murdered by Macbeth in order to take the throne for himself.

What part does lady Macbeth play Macbeth's decision to kill the king?

Her part is decisive. If you read or watch Act 1 Scene 7 you will know that Macbeth, left on his own, decided not to commit the murder. He says "We shall proceed no further in this business." Lady Macbeth then proceeds to change his mind, at least for long enough that the deed gets done. She appeals to his irrational emotions, when his decision not to commit the murder was based on reason and logic, as shown in Macbeth's speech, "If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well it were done quickly."

What in the tragedy of Macbeth act 2 scene 2 signals to Lady Macbeth that the murder has been accomplished?

In the tragedy of Macbeth Act 2 Scene 2, Lady Macbeth is signaled that the murder has been accomplished when she hears the sound of a bell signaling that the deed is done. She also sees Macbeth carrying the bloody daggers that he used to kill Duncan.

What deed did Macbeth and lady Macbeth carry out?

Macbeth and Lady Macbeth carried out the murder of King Duncan in their quest for power and control over the kingdom. They plotted and executed the deed to fulfill the witches' prophecies and seize the throne for themselves. This act sets in motion a series of tragic events that ultimately lead to their downfall.