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Previous planets had been discovered by just happening to see them in the sky. the last of those was the planet Uranus, first identified in 1781. By looking at the orbit of Uranus, astronomers noticed irregularities in it. Because of this they suspected that something was causing a gravitational pull on it. This led them to believe that there might be another planet beyond Uranus that was doing this. So they set about trying to calculate where it was and then to look for it. They had to identify how much of an irregularity there was in the orbit of Uranus, and what size of an object would cause it and how far it would be from Uranus at different times. To make the calculations as to where to find it took many years, before it was finally observed in 1846.

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Q: What does Neptune was the first planet found by mathematical prediction rather than by empirical observation mean?
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What is a unique fact about Neptune?

Neptune was the first planet found by mathematical prediction rather than by empirical.

Is Neptune special?

There are a few ways in which Neptune is special. First of all, it's the furthest planet from the Sun (since Pluto is nog longer classified as a planet). It was also the first planet to be found by mathematical prediction (i.e. calculating where it should be) rather than empirical observation (i.e. looking for it). For more detailed information, see Neptune's Wikipedia article.

What planet wasn't discovered until the 1840's?

Neptune was discovered on September 23rd 1846, through mathematical prediction.

When did Neptune become an official planet?

Neptune was confirmed as a planet close to its discovery in September 23, 1846. Mathematicians knew there was another planet there somewhere, it was found by mathematical prediction.

Who was urbian le verrier?

He is a French astronomer who co-discovered the planet Neptune. His mathematical prediction of where the planet would be found was accurate within a degree.

Planet found by mathematical hypothesis?


Why is neprtune important?

The planet Neptune is important not only because not only was it the first planet found through Mathmatical Prediction rather than observation, but because it is the last planet of our solar system and is one of the least explored

What time was Neptune found?

September 23, 1846. It was discovered by mathematical prediction by Johann Galle, meaning that's it's whereabouts was predicted through gravitational effects of other planets.

Which planet was located through a mathematical perdiction?


What observation caused astronomers to search for Neptune?

Irregularities in Uranus's orbit.

What evidence did astronomers have that Neptune existed before they actually observed it?

Prior to the observation of the planet Neptune by a telescope, the orbits of the other planets in our solar system were observed very closely, and subjected to mathematical analysis, and it was possible to figure out that the gravitational attraction of some undiscovered planet was affecting those orbits. Technically this phenomenon is called gravitational perturbation.

How do you know so much about Neptune?

By observation through telescopes and fly-bys by spacecraft.