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our lady, in religious vocabulary. The reference is to the Virgin Mary.

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Q: What does Notre Dame mean in english and french?
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What does Notre Dame mean?

Notre Dame means our lady in french. Our lady is the English translation

What does notre mean in english?

Notre means our. Notre Dame means Our Lady.

What does notre in french mean in English?

In French, "notre" means "our" in English.

What is 'notre dΓ΄me' when translated from French to English?

"Nôtre Dome" is "our dome". However, if you meant to ask about "Nôtre Dame", that would mean "Our Lady" and is the name of a number of cathedrals, the most famous sitting in the center of Paris.

Does English for Notre Dame mean our lady?

Yes, "Notre Dame" translates to "our lady" in English. The name is often used in reference to the Virgin Mary in the Catholic faith. Notre Dame can also be translated as "our lady" in French.

What does Notre Dame mean in French?

Notre Dame de Paris is a Cathedral. Victor Hugo use it as the setting of 'the hunchback of Notre-Dame'. It is France's (and probably Europe's) most visited monument, with more than 12 million people visiting each year.

Why is the Basilica of the Sacred famous?

Do you mean the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Notre Dame? The Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, is a Catholic church on the campus of the University of Notre Dame, also serving as the mother church of the Congregation of Holy Cross in the United States.

What is notre dome?

You probably mean 'Notre Dame de Paris', the famous cathedral in the centre of Paris, France. Among other things, it's the setting for the well-known novel 'The Hunchback of Notre Dame' by Victor Hugo.

What does norte dame mean in English?

This question is difficult to understand. If you want the Spanish translation of "norte dame" which would be indicated by the category of this question, the Spanish would be "give me north" or "what is north?" If you are asking about the place Notre Dame, the name actually two very different and distinct places. La Catedral de Notre Dame is a famous landmark in Paris and is one of the most famous Cathedrals in World. Notre Dame University is a Catholic University in the United States State of North Carolina, famous for its teams called "the Fighting Irish".

What does dame mean in french?

Une dame = a lady

What does la dame mean in French?

"la jolie madame" means "the pretty woman"

What does notre pere mean in french?

It means "our father" (it should be - Notre Père)