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Q: What does Santa bring in Nigeria?
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How does Santa arrive in Nigeria?

Santa's sleigh and his reindeers are magic and can fly through the air, so they doesn't need snow to arrive in Nigeria.

What do they call Santa Claus in Nigeria?

Nigeria is a diverse nation which includes people of several different religions. There are certainly some Christians in Nigeria, and they have approximately the same belief in Santa Claus that American Christians have - although Nigeria is a warm country, in southern Africa, and there are fewer chimneys for Santa Claus to descend.

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santa santa

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santa isn't real

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Does Santa bring you anything you want?

No because there is no such thing as santa. He is a fake

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Does Santa bring food?

Santa will try his best to bring whatever you ask for. I'm sure if you got a chance to ask him he will be able to.

Does Santa bring puppies for Christmas?

Santa can bring bunnies for Christmas, but only if you're really good and your parents approve.

What kind of presents does Santa bring to Spain?

santa brings sweets and goodies

How does Santa bring presents in Ireland?

Santa Claus does indeed bring presents to black and white people in Ireland. Merry KrissmissMerry Christmas :)