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Scout says that she has never seen or heard her father acting strangely. She is glad when he returns to his normal behavior.

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Scout says she had never seen or heard of a turning movement at the trial before.

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Q: What does Scout say she had never seen or heard of before?
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What does scout say had never heard of or seen before?

Scout says that she has never seen or heard her father acting strangely. She is glad when he returns to his normal behavior.

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Boo Radley was standing in the corner. Scout was shocked because she had never seen him before and had only heard rumors about him being a mysterious and reclusive figure in the neighborhood.

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when she finds out about Toms death, it is a turning point for her because she acts mature and like a lady when she goes back into the missionary circle because "if Aunty could be a lady at a time like this so could I".

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Belief in something that has not been personally experienced can come from various sources such as faith, trust in reliable sources, cultural upbringing, or experiencing indirect evidence of its existence. People may also find comfort or meaning in believing in things that transcend physical senses.

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It isn't ! A flash of lightening is seen BEFORE a peal of thunder is heard.

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Yes No, lightening is seen before thunder is heard.

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She is heard but never seen: Heard in (How to Spank A Star; season 3)

What does Walter do that scout thinks is odd?

He pours syrup all over his food.