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Q: What does Siddhartha refer to path of paths that must be found?
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Why is siddhartha unhappy?

Siddhartha is unhappy because he feels unfulfilled despite leading a life of privilege and luxury. He is seeking true enlightenment and fulfillment, which he believes cannot be found in his current life of excess and materialism. This leads him to embark on a spiritual journey to seek inner peace and understanding.

The city of Dominicana is located in what country?

There are many cities in the Dominica. Dominicana is the Spanish word for Dominica. There is no city by that name that can be found. The question must refer to the country then.

Why must you be moral?

Being moral is important because it helps create a harmonious society where people can live together peacefully and respectfully. Morality also helps individuals make good decisions and treat others with empathy and compassion, ultimately leading to a better world for everyone.

What happen at the end of the book Siddhartha?

After his son leaves, Siddhartha meditates by the river and realizes that life is inevitable. He and Vasudeva meditate by the river, listening to the sound of the "Om" and Siddhartha no longer doubts his life or second guesses himself. He is at a state of Peace, and his enlightenment shows. Therefore, Vasudeva leaves Siddartha as the new ferryman. Word is out that a wise man lives on the river, and Govinda seeks out for his advice. Siddhartha tells him that enlightenment cannot be taught, it has to be acheived through your Self. Knowledge can passed along, but you must earn your own wisdom. He tells him that the word is complete, and you have to learn to accept it as it is. Govinda then kisses Siddhartha on the forehead, and through that, he too reaches enlightenment

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You must refer to keylogger software

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What is Buddha's religion?

Buddhism. See He was born in a Hindu kingdom and spent 29 years as a Prince in Kapilvastu. Although his father ensured that Siddhartha was provided with everything he could want or need, Siddhartha felt that material wealth was not the ultimate goal of life.Hence, he must have been a Hindu.

What did siddhartha believe?

Sidhartha knew that all humans suffer and that an answer, as yet unknown, must be available.Once enlighten as the Buddha he knew that the answer was contained in the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path,

Can you refer to someone as an insolent?

No. Insolent must modify a noun, as an insolent child.

What kind of education is needed to get into accounting work?

To get into accounting work one must first have the basic level of arithmetic. You must also pick one of the paths like Finance, Business ect and get a degree in them.

What are Rules for naming an Microsoft Word document?

The extension must be .doc or docx And also you cannot use inverse slashes as are used in file paths.