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Q: What does Sound need these in order to travel?
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How do sound waves travel what do sound waves need in order to travel?

sound waves bounce off of walls. they need air to travel.

Sounds need these in order to travel?

Sound waves need a medium in order to propogate. Light waves can travel without a medium. The speed of light is 3*108m/s.

What must sound have in order to travel?

An atmosphere. Sound cannot travel in a vacuum.

What sound waves need in order to travel?

First of all, it needs a source. But mostly, it needs vibrations. Depending on how strong the vibrations are determine how long the sound wave will travel.

Why does the sound not travel through vacuum?

The sound not travel through vacuum because sound need a medium to travel.

What do Sound wave not travel?

Sound wave do not travel through vaccum as it need medium to travel.

Sound waves do not travel through what?

Sound wave do not travel through vaccum as it need medium to travel.

Area which wound waves are pushed apart?

A sound wave is essentially fast changing sound pressure. Longitudinal sound waves need a medium to travel through in order to exist.

How does sound travel when people throw their voices?

hoe does sound travel im at school and i need to know!

What need sounds to travel in order?

First of all, it needs a source. But mostly, it needs vibrations. Depending on how strong the vibrations are determine how long the sound wave will travel.

Why can't sounds be heard on the moon?

Sound can't be heard on the moon because sound need a medium to travel and particles to collide each other in order to travel. since in a vaccum (space) you do not have air, meaning no particles, sound can't be heard on the moon.

Does sound energy need particles to travel through?

Yes they do need particles to travel through!