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Q: What does TTEE mean on a money market account as a joint account in myself and my wife?
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How are money market savings accounts different from regular savings accounts?

A money market savings account is a special kind of savings account. Money market account holders receive more money on their return. Money markets are secure.

Your parents and you had a joint bank account they died who does the money belong to?

A joint bank account belongs to the surviving owner.

Can husband take money from joint account without wife permission?

Of course. That's the purpose of a "joint" account.

What is a type of savings account?

money market account

How do I open a money market account over the Internet?

You can open a money market account over the Internet at - . Another good place to opne an account is

What are money market accounts?

Money market account is an account that deal with financial matters in the money markets. Money market account usually requires a higher minimum balance or higher rate of interest in order for one to earn interest on the deposit money.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a money market account?

A money market account is like a savings account. The disadvantage is that there will not be much interest or return. The advantage is , subject to the restrictions stated when you open the account, you can quickly get all your money out.

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Can legal order take money from a joint account?

Yes. The holders of the joint account are equal stake holders in the account and a legal order to receive payment from one of the account holders is enough to withdraw/take funds from a joint account.

How do you withdraw money from joint bank account?

A joint bank account is just like any account. You can withdraw money by all means like ATM, Checks, Withdrawal through withdrawal slips in the bank etc. however, the only difference is the fact that either of the account holders of the joint account can do this and one party cannot restrict the other parties involved in the joint holding of the account from withdrawing funds from the account.

Can i do anything to my wife if she took money from my checking account if we're separated?

If it's only your checking account, otherwise if it's a joint account there probably isn't anything you can do

Where can I read about money market checking?

Money Market checking is basically the same as a money market account which sets a certain amount of money you need in your account to get a certain amount interest. You can ask any bank about this function.