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Elie Wiesel vowed never to be silent in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, emphasizing the importance of speaking out against injustice and oppression to prevent history from repeating itself.

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Q: What does Wiesel vow never to do in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech A. Be silent?
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What does the Wiesel promise in his Nobel prize acceptance speech?

Be silent -apex.

What is the central point of Wiesel's Nobel prize acceptance speech?

Elie Wiesel's central point in his Nobel prize acceptance speech was the importance of speaking out against indifference, injustice, and inhumanity. He emphasized the moral obligation to take action and intervene in the face of injustice, stating that "neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim."

What evidence from the text best represents the central point of Wiesel's Nobel Prize acceptance speech A. Sometimes we must interfere. When human lives are endangered when human dignity is in jeopard?

The central point of Wiesel's Nobel Prize acceptance speech is captured in the passage that highlights the importance of speaking out and taking action in the face of injustice and human rights violations, even if it means interfering in difficult situations to protect human dignity and lives. This passage emphasizes the moral imperative to stand up against oppression and cruelty, and to not remain silent in the face of suffering and atrocities.

In his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech what technique does Elie Wiesel use to support his argument that people need to help save others from oppression?

Elie Wiesel uses personal anecdotes, emotional appeals, and references to historical events to support his argument that people need to help save others from oppression in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech. By sharing his own experiences during the Holocaust and calling on the audience's sense of empathy and humanity, Wiesel effectively emphasizes the importance of taking action against injustice and standing up for the oppressed.

What was Elie Wiesel arguing in his acceptance speech?

Elie Wiesel argued in his acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize that silence in the face of injustice enables it to continue, and that indifference is just as dangerous as hatred. He emphasized the importance of speaking out against oppression and standing up for those who are suffering.

What does Wiesel promise in his Nobel prize speech's.?

To speak out against examples of human suffering

What tone do these sentences from Elie Wiesel's Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech create?

These sentences likely create a somber and reflective tone. Elie Wiesel, a Holocaust survivor, often spoke about the enduring impact of suffering and the importance of remembering history to prevent future atrocities.

Which words in the passage from Elie Wiesel's Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech best contribute to his modest tone?

Words like "humbled," "privilege," and "honor" in the passage contribute to Elie Wiesel's modest tone by expressing gratitude and humility towards the award and the recognition it brings to his work.

What evidence from the text best represents the central point of Wiesel's Nobel Prize acceptance speech?

That people should not simply stand by and let injustices occur

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There is still hope for the

Which town did Obama get peace nobel?

Obama went to Oslo, Norway to make his acceptance speech and get his prize.

How does Wiesel create ethos in his Nobel peace prize acceptance speech?

He recounts personal memories of his deportation to the concentration camp