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Q: What does Will be put in to immediate exile mean?
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Yes, Internal exile in Siberia with his immediate family, where they were later killed

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What does exhile mean?

Exile is when your country kicks you out as a form of punishment and you can't come back, if you do you might be put to death or imprisioned.

Who put Cleopatra in exile?

her sister bernice.

What do you mean by exile?

Exile means to ban someone from a place; to not allow them back in.

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Not sure what you mean by "an immediate end". If you are referring to the dropping of the A bomb, as horrific as that was, the invasion of Japan would have killed 20-30 times that number on both sides.

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his last attempt at power was when he came back from exile in elba. for 100 days he was the emporer of France again, only to be put to exile again after the loss of the battle of waterloo

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immediate need

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Why is the exile of Jews by the Babylonians considered such an important event in Jewish history?

It put an end to the monarchy, to the false prophets (who had predicted that there would be no exile) and to the dabbling in idolatry.