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it means you are a stupid person who can't read good

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Q: What does aCe mean in reading?
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Why does ace mean mean top or best?

The ace is the card with the highest value in the deck, so anything "ace" is the best.

What is it mean when you awake with 5 aces by your side?

Lucky! Linda Ace, jenny Ace,Susan Ace, Allison Ace and Ava Ace.

What does ace mean in Badminton?

An "ace" happens on a serve where you hit the birdie to the opponents side and they miss. This is an "ace".

What does ace mean in maths?

In math ace means one i think.

How do you end a reading response?

By using a thing called ACE. Ace is where you do this : Answer the question, turn he question into your answer.Cite an example from the text.Elaborate on your answer, state a connection or a thought.

What does ACE mean on someone's business card?

ACE on someone's business card means they are an expert.

What does ace mean in film?

a collaborative editor

Is a a in poker a 10?

Assuming you mean an Ace, then no.

What is mean by ace in windows xp?

ACE is a collection of utilities used to keep your system in good shape

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what does a reading of 6 mean?

How can one learn speed reading techniques for free?

There are instructional videos of speed reading courses available for free viewing on YouTube. Other websites that offer free speed reading courses include Iris Reading, Ace Reader and Spreeder.

What does it mean when you call someone ace?

Excellent, A winner!