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Q: What does a Chinook house look like?
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What does the Chinook flag look like?

it is a representation of their most used food source, the Chinook salmon

Can a Chinook lift a house?

A Chinook may be able to lift a small house made of lightweight materail. If the house is made out of brick or wood then its impossible. It can lift other objects like cars, trucks,etc.

What native American home will you find a plank house?

Well there is several like the Chinook tribe.

What type of houses did Chinook Indians live in?

houses that look like European houses.

What house did the Chinook tribe use?

the Chinook tribe lived in longhouses made out of wood.

What do Chinook Indians look like?

The site linked below has old photos of the Chinookan people.

What were Chinook Indians house made of?

Cedar planks.

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What type of house did Chinook live in?

Chinook people lived in cedar plank houses. You can visit a modern plank house at Ridgefield, Washington. The Chinook lived in long houses with more than fifty people sharing one house. In 2005, a full-scale replica of a Chinook-style cedar plank house was built at the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge near Ridgefield, Washington. This area was once an area of inhabitance for the Cathlapotle tribe (a Chinook people). The Chinook Indians lived in longhouses made out of cedar wood. The houses were usually up to 70ft. long.

Did the Chinook have totum poles?

Chinooks do not have totem pole like the tribes in Canada and Alaska have. The did have decorated poles inside the house though.

How did the Chinook tribe hair look like?

The first Chinook people hatched from thunder bird eggs in the time when the animals thought they were people. The Chinook people have been a tribe for 10,000 years... and still are!

What was Chinook Indian traveling like?

Chinook Indians traveled in canoes that were carved from cedar logs.