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Q: What does a Rufous Hornero eat?
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What is argentinas national bird?

rufous hornero

What is native bird in Argentina?

The national bird of Argentina is the Rufous Hornero (Furnarius rufus), also known as the Rufous ovenbird, a common South American bird.

Are there any unique creatures in Uruguay?

venomous snakes and some spiders even insects

Is there a national person or animal for Argentina?

The national animal of Argentina is Rufous Hornero, a type of bird. There is no national person for any of the countries.

What is the national bird of Argentina?

The Rufous Hornero is the national bird of Argentina. It was selected after a survey in 1928. The puma or cougar is the national animal of Argentina.

What is the national animal of Uruguay?

Even its not official, uruguay's national animal is a bird, it is the Rufous Hornero that is all over our countryside.

What are some interesting plants and animals in Uruguay?

There are many strange and rare animals in Uruguay, some that are only found there. The one that comes most to mind is the national bird the Rufous Hornero.

What does a Rufous owl eat?

Worms and insects

What is baker in Spanish?

hornero, panadero

What is Uruguay's national bird?

in spanish :; hornero in English :; ovenbird

What is Argentinas national animal?

the cougar

What do rufous rat kangaroos eat?

Rufous rat-kangaroos, also known as rufous bettongs, are small macropods, or members of the kangaroo family which are not herbivores like wallabies, wallaroos and the larger kangaroos. They are omnivores, feeding on tubers and underground fungi, as well as seeds, grasses, the stems of sedges and insect larvae.