

What does a Tasmanian Devils use its body for?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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The tasmanian devil mostly uses his body to hunt prey.Its sharp teeth make it easier to chew up the prey, yet the long tail is seemed to be useless. The tasmanian devil is not however, used to cut down trees and such like in the popular cartoon.

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Q: What does a Tasmanian Devils use its body for?
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Tasmanian devils can certainly get sick. Tasmanian Devils are threatened by a fatal form of cancer called Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD) which is transmitted between Tasmanian devils by biting.

Do Tasmanian devils have a tail?

Yes. Tasmanian devils have short, stumpy tails.

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Tasmanian devils may not be hunted. They are protected by law.