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Q: What does a animal cell have that the bacterium cell doesn't have?
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Which cell organelle is present in both a bacterium and a plant cell but not in an animal cell?


What cell organelle is present in both a bacterium and a plant cell but not an animal cell?

Cell Wall

What cell organelle is present in both a bacterium and a plant cell but not a animal cell?

Cell Wall

Is a bacterium bigger than an animal cell?

Animal cells are bigger I think.

Is a cell wall a animal?

no,it doesnt

Which do animal cells not have a mitochondria chloroplasts a nucleus or a cell membrane?

All animal cells have a nucleus and mitochondria. The cell you are describing is a prokaryotic cell, such as a bacterium.

What structures does an animal cell have that a plant cell doesnt?


Does a bacterium have a cell wall?

A bacterium has a cell membrane, not a cell wall.

What does a animal cell have that a plant cell doesnt?

chloroplast and cell wall and a LARGE vacoule

A cell has the following molecules and structures enzymes DNA ribosomes plasma membrane and mitochondria It could be a cell from?

a bacterium or a plant, but not an animal

What three main things does a plant cell have that a animal cell doesnt?

Cell wallPlastidslarge central vacuole.

How does penicillin get energy?

penicillin comes from a fungus. the fungus grows and lives by breaking down organic molecules of decomposing animal and plant life. penicillin itself doesnt "get energy" but rather is derived from the fungus. if you are asking how penicillin destroys some microorganisms - the answer is that it interferes with the ability of a newly formed bacterium to develop a cell wall. a bacterium cannot survive without a cell wall.