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Q: What does a backwards question mark mean?
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How do you do a backwards question mark?

Type a normal one and then hit the reverse key.

What is the name of the symbol for a question mark?

The symbol for a question mark is simply called a "question mark."

What is the nickname for the Leo constellation?

Leo, the Lion ! From our view, his head looks like a backwards question mark !

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What does your question mean[insert question mark]

What proof reading mark would you use to begin new paragraph?

Well it starts with something that looks like a backwards question mark without the dot. And then there is two verticle lines going through the round part of your backwards question mark. I know it's confusing, because I don't know how to make the symbol on a computer. Sorry!!

What does mean after a sentence?

the question mark?? it means its a question......

What are the main stars of Leo?

Two semi-famous ones are Regulus, which is at the Lion's heart (it's part of the backwards question mark, which is the lion's mane - Regulus would be the 'period' of the backwards question mark) and Denebola - which is in the lion's tail. 'Deneb' is an Arabic word meaning tail, Denebola means tail of the lion.

What is a different name for a question mark?

Eroteme, interrogation point, interrogation mark, question point, or query. Do note that the backwards or mirrored eroteme are different symbols used to denote sarcasm or irony; known as a percontation point

What does question mark mean?

Question mark is the pu nctuatio n mark used whe n aski ng questio ns.

How do you make a backwards question mark?

"¿" is available in all keyboard layouts for Spanish-speaking countries. On English (US) keyboards under Microsoft Windows, the inverted question mark can be entered by holding down the Alt key and pressing 0191, 168, 5544, 01471, or 0215487 on the number pad. He said backwards not inverted "resiprocate"

What is this question backwards?

?backwards question this is what OR ?Sdrawkcab noitseuq siht si tahw