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Q: What does a blue rope mean in a dream?
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What does it mean to dream about walking on a rope?

It means that you might go through tough times soon. Rope signifies difficult times and going above it tells you that you will be in that situation. This dream makes you aware of your mistakes in life.

What does it mean to dream about a friend handing you a blue ring in a dream?

Dreams do not mean anything. They are random firings of neurons in the brain.

What makes the blue in Gordon bleu?

light color of blue with ham under it makes it look blue - gordon means round hill therefore chicken mound with ham and cheese is gordon blue. gordon also means rope so it could mean rope of cheese and blue come from blue cheese.

What does it mean if you dream of a large blue pig?

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What does it mean if you dream of a blue hyacinth?

A single image out of the context of the whole dream does not have any particular significance. The meaning lies in the emotions you felt in the dream. For example, perhaps you were feeling "blue," that is, sad and lonely.> On the other hand, if the question refers to a blue hyacinth Macaw, the dream might have the opposite meaning, picturing the Blue Bird of Happiness.

What does it mean to dream about a blue pocket book given as a gift?

This appears to be a wish-fulfillment dream with the blue pocket book representing abundant resources that will bring peace and calm (the color blue) into the dreamer's life.

Where can one purchase some blue rope lights?

Many home stores such as home depot will carry blue rope lights. But for options online, the best place to purchase blue rope lights would be at Amazon or Lowes.

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i had a dream about a cat with blue eyes what does that mean

When was Blue Sky Dream created?

Blue Sky Dream was created in 1997.

In a rebus puzzle what does her rope she mean?

"She is at the end of her rope"

What does a cat painted blue in a dream mean?

It is possible that you have had some contact with a company, such as Blue Cat Networks, or The Blue Cat Cafe, that uses a blue cat as a logo. Otherwise, there is no particular symbolism in a cat that has been painted blue. Perhap you favor a sports team whose colors are blue; in that case, the dream reflects your enthusiasm for that team.