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Q: What does a cardinal tetra fry look like?
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Will a neon tetra and a cardinal tetra coexist with a male and female Betta?

The problem will not be the tetras coexisting with the Bettas. It will be the female Betta. She will undoubtedly be killed by the male. He may well spawn her first but afterwards, if she is left in his presence he will kill her. Also if he has ova or fry to look after he will kill the tetras in defence of his young.

What are baby tetras called?

baby tetra's are called fry if you want to find out more visit this

Do neon tetra eat fry?

yes, but the only way they could eat them is if they're really small

How do you take care of tetra fry?

The best thing you can do to take care of tetra young is to feed them with liquid fry food, or you can take a cooked egg yolk, wrap a cloth around it, and swish it in the water (do not overdo this, it fouls the water). When they are large enough, move them onto powdered flake and brine shrimp nauplii. When the fry are larger than their parent's mouths (about 1/8 of an inch), move them into the main aquarium.

What do platy fry look like?

Hey this is sie. And when my platy had babys I was on va spo I do not know

What do you need to do with the tetra eggs to get them to hatch?

Nothing. They should develop into fry without you doing anything. The fish would not normally spawn if the water and conditions are not suitable for the ova to develop.

What do balloon molly fries look like?

Dalmatian Molly fry are very tiny and hide in plants for cover. They are clear when they are young but gradually, they grow black spots.

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joystick scagged cfhdfg cfhtfsc reek we sticking softcover legwork fry

How many babies do neon tetra fish have at once?

It is most unlikely that you will ever breed Neon Tetras. They are a very difficult fish to breed. One spawning can produce several hundred fry.

How do you use fry in a sentence?

One way to use "fry" in a sentence is: "I like to fry eggs for breakfast."

How are fry and adult fush the same?

Fry are like children, adults are grown ups.

How do you know when your guppy is going to drop its fry?

A guppy will drop her fry once her stomach is "squared off". When this happens, her chest and abdomen will drop so her body will look like a squared when viewed from the size or straight above. Best of luck to you.