

What do platy fry look like?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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12y ago

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Hey this is sie. And when my platy had babys I was on va spo I do not know

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Q: What do platy fry look like?
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What do platy fish look like?

what do platy fish look like because i want to get my male Betta fish a male platy fish mate and i need to know how big and what they look like so i can put them together please answer soon because i am going on vacation tomorrow want the fish mate by today so he's not lonely while i am gone thank you

Can goldfish stay in the tank when platy fry are in?

You should not have goldfish and platies in the same tank ever.

Difference between molly fish and platy fish?

first of all the platy fish smaller than the molly and has different colors than the molly's so fry platy will be red if the parents are red or blue if the parents is blue and smaller while the molly fry is bigger than any fry with known colors .. black brown yellow white marble or yellow on black... so did u know = How do you tell the difference between newborn platy fry and newborn molly fry? =

When can you feed platy fry normal fish food?

When they are big enough to eat it. Use your eyes and brain.

How do you know a platy fish is pregnant?

First make sure it is indeed a female platy. The fin closes to the anal gland is more squared on a female and more elongated on a male. The belly part closes to the head starts to look swollen or kind of bloated(almost like its gonna explode). It takes approx. 3-4 weeks to have fry(baby fish from livebearers)

How fast do female sunset coral dwarf platy have fry?

A Platy is a Platy is a Platy.(Xiphophorus maculatus variatus) The fancy name makes no difference. The gestation period for a Platy is about 3 to 4 weeks under perfect conditions but can take up 3 or 4 months if conditions are not to the fishes liking. If conditions are really bad she can refuse to let them out and they will be still born eventually (sometimes this kills her).

What do you do when your platie fish gets pregnant?

Just wait until it has its fry. You should get more information on how to raise the platy fry such as what to feed them. If you have any other fish in the tank take then out or separate them so they will not eat the fry. Hope this helps, T

What does a Mickey Mouse Platy baby fish look like?

Platy babies ( called fry when they are first born) are basically tiny versions of their parents. They are about 1/8" long and most will have coloration similar to the parents. Platys, like most other livebearers come in many different color varieties, coloration patterns, sizes and shapes. Your baby platys will show a variety of colors and patterns with somewhere are 50-60% looking very similar to the parents.

How many fry will a red wag platy give birth to?

They can have 10-50 fry but you can never really tell. BTW they give birth to live young so immediately remove them from the tank and put them into a breeding tank.

Do platy lay eggs?

Platies don't have eggs. They lay live fry, which will come out of hiding in a few days.

How big are platy pups?

Platties don't have 'pups' they have 'fry'. I have never actually measured one but at a rough guess I would say they are around 6mm long at birth.