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You should not have goldfish and platies in the same tank ever.

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Q: Can goldfish stay in the tank when platy fry are in?
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How does a goldfish have babies?

Goldfish lay eggs. These eggs attach to objects in the tank or pond, like leaves. They stay there until the goldfish fry hatch.

How many fry will a red wag platy give birth to?

They can have 10-50 fry but you can never really tell. BTW they give birth to live young so immediately remove them from the tank and put them into a breeding tank.

Can different size goldfish be in same tank?

Yes! Goldfish are not canabilistic and will not actively hunt and consume other goldfish that are smaller than them. Unless thay are like goldfish fry in which case they will absoloutely be eaten. But i doubt you would have bought goldfish fry so you should be just fine!

Will the mother goldfish eat the fry?

Yes the mother goldfish will eat the fry-and so will the father, that's why it is a good idea to move the parents into a sepperate tank after they have bred if you want the babies to live.

What do platy fry look like?

Hey this is sie. And when my platy had babys I was on va spo I do not know

Were do you put your the goldfish babies when they are born?

Goldfish are canibals when it comes to their young and eggs. So if you want to keep ALL the fry, you can either: A: keep them in the main tank in a breeding box B: remove them entirely and put them in a separate tank solely for reading fry

Can you breed goldfish in a one gallon tank?

No. A one gallon tank is not appropriate for a singular goldfish much less multiple. A ten gallon tank is the bare minimum for a singular goldfish and breeding would require a tank of twenty gallons or more. A one gallon tank cannot handle the chasing that proceeds goldfish mating nor maintain a water quality that is suitable for raising goldfish fry.

What do you do when your platie fish gets pregnant?

Just wait until it has its fry. You should get more information on how to raise the platy fry such as what to feed them. If you have any other fish in the tank take then out or separate them so they will not eat the fry. Hope this helps, T

Must you put the male and female goldfish in the same tank as the eggs?

No, if you do that than the parent goldfish (and any other goldfish around) will eat all the eggs and any possible fry.

What are the signs that the platy fish are ready to have their fry?

big stomach

How do you make a home made Fry Saver for goldfish?

I use a small container. Poke some holes on one side of the container and stick a aquarium sponge to cover the holes so that the goldfish fry don't escape out. The container is then attached to the inside of the main tank. Then place an airstone to aerated the container that house the fry.

What is a baby goldfish called?

They are called Fry until they are large enough to eat regular goldfish food. Usually after a few months from hatching