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They can have 10-50 fry but you can never really tell. BTW they give birth to live young so immediately remove them from the tank and put them into a breeding tank.

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Q: How many fry will a red wag platy give birth to?
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Do platy lay eggs?

Platies don't have eggs. They lay live fry, which will come out of hiding in a few days.

What do platy fry look like?

Hey this is sie. And when my platy had babys I was on va spo I do not know

Do platy fish die after giving birth?

yes, platys eat baby fry however, if you buy a special breeding net or a breeding tank, they will survive. also, if you have many plants to protect the fry, some should make it. But be sure to separate the fry from the parents.

What are the signs that the platy fish are ready to have their fry?

big stomach

When do salmons give birth to fry?

in Febuary

How big are platy pups?

Platties don't have 'pups' they have 'fry'. I have never actually measured one but at a rough guess I would say they are around 6mm long at birth.

How many frys do the guppies give birth to?

It ranges from 5-50 fry per drop.

What if your guppie can't give birth what do you do?

If you guppy can't give birth to its fry, it will likely die.

How many baby do they give birth at once?

Any number of fry from 1 to 100 is common in guppies.

What do fish give birth to?

the mom ,s give birth

Can goldfish stay in the tank when platy fry are in?

You should not have goldfish and platies in the same tank ever.

Difference between molly fish and platy fish?

first of all the platy fish smaller than the molly and has different colors than the molly's so fry platy will be red if the parents are red or blue if the parents is blue and smaller while the molly fry is bigger than any fry with known colors .. black brown yellow white marble or yellow on black... so did u know = How do you tell the difference between newborn platy fry and newborn molly fry? =