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Q: What does a character card mean in drama?
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A tableau in drama shows emotion and feelings but has no spaces in between you and another character in the scene. You can fill in these gaps by adding another character.

What does the term dynamic characters mean in drama?

A character who experiences change

What does characterisating mean in drama?

Characterization in drama is the act of portraying a character on stage or in film. This is done by using actions, or manner of speech.

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what is character's thought in a drama

Who plays Dukon in total drama action?

Dukon isn't a character. I assume you mean Duncan. Duncan is voiced by Drew Nelson in Total Drama island, Total Drama Action, and Total Drama World Tour

What does mantle of the expert mean?

It means in drama form : stepping into someone else's clothes and shoes as a character.

What is the drama definition of protagonist?

The Protagonist is the main Character. It originally meant the lead actor, but since the lead actor usually plays the main character, it has come to mean the character instead.

What does Stay in character most the time mean in drama?

I think it is ike staying on the stage most the time not out of the scene.

What does gestus mean in drama?

Gestus is an acting technique developed by Bertolt Brecht. It reveals character's true intentions.

What is a vocal character in drama?

a vocal character in drama, is an actor or actress who acts with words, and not actions. i hope i was of help :) xx

What does mannnerism mean in drama?

A mannerism in drama is an odd or repetitive trait your character has. A example would be twirling my hair if i were a teenage girl. These are also known as habits. Hope it helps!

What does the term foil mean in drama?

The word "foil" in drama means "a character or scene that is set up as a contrast to another so that each will stand out vividly." Hope that helped