

What does a chip taste like?

Updated: 11/23/2022
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12y ago

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If it's a potato chip it tastes like fried potatoes with salt on the if its Cheetos it tastes like cheese.

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Q: What does a chip taste like?
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Opinions will always vary, as there is no accounting for taste.

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I worked for a potato chip company in the Detroit area for 7 years. A stale potato chip usually will not snap as crisp or sharp as a fresh one. There will be a slight bend to it before it breaks. Also, you will taste more of a bland potato flavor as opposed to a deep-fried potato taste. The taste just about loses its "fried" flavor.

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Yes, it does affect the taste of the cookie. With the sugar being a flavor of vanilla, it would make the cookie have a hint of vanilla taste to it. I would expect it to taste quite well, actually.

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no, it would mute the taste if not chip someone's tooth...there is no need to do that.

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