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It ends with a period.

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2d ago

A declarative sentence usually ends with a period (.), indicating a statement or assertion of fact.

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Related questions

Is a period used at the end of a declarative sentence?

Yes, a period is used at the end of a declarative sentence to show that the statement is complete.

What punctuation mark is placed at the end of declarative sentence?

A period (.) is placed at the end of a declarative sentence.

What does declarative sentence end with?

It ends with a period.

Do all declarative sentence end with a period?


How do you add punctuation to a declarative sentence?

To add punctuation to a declarative sentence, you typically end the sentence with a period. For emphasis or to convey strong emotions, you can also use exclamation points. Commas can also be used to separate phrases or items in the sentence.

What is a declarative senteance?

A declarative sentence is a sentence with a period or exclamation point at the end, like "Today is a wonderful day!" The person is declaring something with the sentence.

What kind of punctuation is declarative?

period at the end of the sentence

An imperative sentence is to a command as a declarative sentence is to?

A declarative sentence is a type of declaration. While a imperative sentences issues some come of command, a declarative sentence gives a statement and ends in a period. A imperative sentence can end with a period or exclamation point.

What puntuation mark is placed at the end of a declarative sentence?

Period (.)

What kinds of sentences use periods?

Periods are typically used at the end of declarative sentences, which make statements or express facts. They are also used at the end of imperative sentences that give commands or make requests, as well as at the end of indirect questions.

What is the difference between a declarative sentence and an imperative sentence?

A declarative sentence makes a statement. In imperative statement is an order or direction to do something

What puncuation mark is used at the end of a declairatie sentence?

A declarative sentence ends with a period.