

What does a dike always do than abed rock?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What does a dike always do than abed rock?
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Which is older a dike or the rock layers the dike cuts across?

Dikes are always younger than the surrounding rock layers. The same holds true for any kind of intrusion. It will always be younger than anything that it is intruding into. To put it simply, you can't force an object into a bed of rock unless the bed of rock is already there.

What is a dike in volcano?

A body of magma that cuts through (and across) adjacent rock. Similar to a secondary vent but it does not strike through the surface. It then hardens and forms rock. It is always younger than the rocks which surround it.

Hardened magma squeezed into horizontal spaces between rocks?


Sheets of igneous rock that are parallel to the layers they intrude?

A sheet of igneous rock that protrudes into the surrounding layers of rock is called a dike. Dikes are most often horizontal sheets that can form in many layers.

How can you tell that the sandstone was not deposited on top of the basalt?

The sandstone layer is older than the basalt. The older rock cannot be on top of the younger rock. The sandstone and the basalt (or basalt dike) are both deposited at the same depth.

What is a Dyke system?

The word in waterway control can be written as dyke or dike. In the US, we use dike. A dike or dikes are a system of levees that control the level of water in a river or other waterway. Dikes control the height and flow of water beyond the point of the dike. When more than one dike exists, the plan can be called a Dike System or System of Dikes.

Would granite more likely be found in the form of a dike or a stock?

Granite is a plutonic rock formed from plutons of large and small sizes. The large plutonic body less than 100 km^2 is called a stock. Therefore granite is more than likely to be found in a stock than a dike, which is a vertical (mainly sedimentary) tabular body.

How can you tell that the sandstone was not deposited on top of basalt layers?

The sandstone layer is older than the basalt. The older rock cannot be on top of the younger rock. The sandstone and the basalt (or basalt dike) are both deposited at the same depth.

How is it that crosscutting feature is always younger than the rock layers in cuts across?

A crosscutting feature is always younger than the rock layers it cuts through because the feature always forms after the rock layers have been formed, making the rock layers older.

How is it that crosscuting feature is always younger than the rock layer it cuts across?

A crosscutting feature is always younger than the rock layers it cuts through because the feature always forms after the rock layers have been formed, making the rock layers older.

What evidence did cross-cutting relationships give geologists?

Cross-cutting can give insight to whether or not a certain layer is older or younger than what is cross-cutting it. Say if a dike was cross-cutting layer A, then layer A is older than the dike.

Is an extrusion older or younger than the rock layer below it?

Extrusion is older than intrusion because, an extrusion is always younger than the rocks below it. An intrusion is always younger than the rock layers around and beneath it. Hope the answers correct ;)