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Q: What does a draft card look like?
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What were issues americans had with the vietnam war?

The draft. Clues (hints): Look up "draft card burning", "draft riots", and "fleeing to Canada."

How does a draft paper look like?

mail sending

How does a demand draft application look like?

A rough draft of what an application will look like is often called a wireframe. A rough draft of what an application will do is often called a schema or a functionality map. A rough draft of what data an application will interact with is called a data model.

What does a NFL union card look like?

like an nfl unioun card

Why were you protesting against the Vietnam war?

They protesting the military draft. Draft riots, draft card burning.

Why cant you burn a military draft card?

Qualify the question a bit and I will be happy to answer. Do you mean why is it illegal to burn a draft card or why is it (or is it) socially unacceptable/morally wrong to burn a draft card? The fact is that you can burn a draft card but it is illegal. For a legal discussion see US v. O'Brien. I think there is a good wiki entry on it.

Will your card be accepted by apple when your bank draft comes through?

Yes, your card will be accepted by Apple when your bank draft comes through.

What does a video card look like?

look at frys, they have pictures of them

Where to get a draft card from?

Your local post office.

What does Tyler the Warrior look like?

he looks like the card he made

What does the Georgia food stamp card look like?

its a green card with a big peach on it

What should your birthday card look like?

cool as