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Q: What does a dwarf african frog eat?
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Is an African Dwarf frog a tropical or a subarctic frog?

African Dwarf Frogs spread from tropical, to subtropical areas.

Which frog is easier to rear?

African Dwarf Frog

Is a African Dwarf Frog an Invertebrate?

No, it is not. African dwarf frogs are amphibians, which are vertebrates.

Can salt be on a African dwarf frog?


What Causes African dwarf frog eggs not to hatch?

the three main causes are that they may not be fertilized, the temperature is not right, or the African dwarf frogs will mistake the eggs for food and eat them

What aquarium frog can be kept in a 5 gallon tank with fish?

The African dwarf frog can indeed live with fish in a five gallon aquarium. BUT BEWARE!!! dwarf frogs may eat your fish small enough to fit in it's mouth. so i recommend Platy and live-bearers as companions.

What eats an African dwarf frog?

Snakes and Birds

Do you need a license to keep a African dwarf frog?


Is it all right to feed an African dwarf frog crickets?

No, it is not alright to feed an African Dwarf frog crickets. African Dwarf Frogs diet consist of, live guppy fry, bloodworm, dried krill or shrimp and tadpole bites.

Can there be more than one frog in the same tank?

What type of frog? African Dwarf Frog: yes.

Can an African dwarf frog go into accoma?

No, I do not believe any frog can fall into a coma.

Do African dwarf frogs have babies?

The male African Dwarf Frog will fertalize the eggs when they come out of the female. The eggs will attach to plants or decorations in the aquarium. If the other fish in the tank don't eat the eggs then they will hatch into small tadpoles. The tadpoles will slowly grow into African Dwarf Frogs..