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Q: What does a foraminiferans eat?
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What is a protective shell in marine foraminiferans?

protective shell in marine foraminiferans

To which phylum do amoebas foraminiferans heliozoans belong?

phylum Sarcodina

Two groups of sarcodines known as foraminiferans and radiolarians?

Yes, foraminiferans and radiolarians belong to the subphylum sarcodines. Both have skeletons that fossilize easily and have fossil records that date back to the Cambrian.

What is the name of the largest foraminifera?

Nummulites is certainly one of the larger foraminiferans, and species can reach over 6cm wide.

How can you identify prokaryotic and eukaryotic withou microscope?

Plants, animals, fungi and algae are eukaryotes. The lobose amoebozoans and the reticulose foraminiferans are also in this group. The lobose amoebozoans can be as large as a meter but many or microscopic. The foraminiferans are mostly microscopic. The prokaryotes are unicellular and only could be identified by their growth on agar plates or in broths. It would be very difficult to make a positive identification on just that.

To which phylum do amoebas foraminiferans and heliozoans belong?

Amoebas and forams are protozoans with pseudopodia. i learned this last year when i was in 8th grade

Do forams reproduce asexually?

There is a regular and occasionally, sexual generation in foraminiferans. However, there are also certain species that reproduce asexually. Reproduction usually terminates the parent because its cytoplasm will be devoted to the young's formation.

Definition of protozoa?

Any of a large group of one-celled organisms (called protists) that live in water or as parasites. Many protozoans move about by means of appendages known as cilia or flagella. Protozoans include the amoebas, flagellates, foraminiferans, and ciliates.

What is gradual speciation speciation?

The gradual model of speciation holds that species originate by slight morphological changes over long time spans. For example, sedimentary rock layers ofen hold veritical sequences of fossilized shelles of foraminiferans. The sequnce reflects graduatal morphological change. (From my Biology 101 book: 'Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life').

Which group of protists possess calcium carbonate shells?

Foraminiferans (or forams) are single-celled protists with a calcium carbonate (CaCO3) shell around their plasma membrane. ***Straight out of my biology text book

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eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it eat it

What does e.e mean?

it means eat eat i eat eat i owned