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I think it's actually called the black & yellow garden spider.

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It's furry.

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Q: What does a garden orb spider look like?
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What kind of spider has a yellow thorax with black spots?

The Orb-weaver spider is a fairly large garden spider found abundantly in Oklahoma. They can be identified by their black, white and yellow body and legs as well as the spiral or zipper-like arrangement of prey-catching threads in their webs.

What type of black spider has vertical yellow stripes on body and orange rings on legs?

A black spider with yellow stripes is a garden orb spider. These are very common and not poisonous to humans.

What kind of spider is green with red and yellow markings on it's back and legs?

From the description, this sounds like an Arrowshaped Micrathena spider. It's a variety of the orb weaver and is known for its bright colors and spikes.

What kind of spider has a large abdomen is mostly brown w white and black spots?

A garden orb weaver probably

What kind of spideris gray and has a big butt?

Spiders do not have butts - you mean a large abdomen. There is not enough information given to identify the type of spider, but it could be a Walnut Orb Spider like the ones I see in my garden here in the UK.

What type of spider has a black body with white dots?

The only spider I have seen like this was a common sight in Kimberley South Africa. We called it a button spider because its back look like a button. It was not a black widow and it was not orange and did not have the hourglass marking that is common with the black or brown widow - also called the button spider.

What is a tan spider with orange fangs?

It is hard to identify a spider without knowing how big it is, where it was found, its overall body shape and other characteristics. This could be a common house spider, a wolf spider, or a garden orb weaver.

What kind of spider has a yellow body and blackk striped legs?

Without knowing the size of the spider and where it was found, itÕs hard to know for sure what kind of a spider it is. It may be a black and yellow garden spider or a common orb weaver

What spider starts with the letter O?

The orb-weaver spider is an invertebrate with 8 legs. It begins with O

What kind of spider is red with light and black bands around its legs and the body is black and white with a red head?

I think that it might be a garden orb weaver, which is not dangerous, or a marbled orb weaver (which is in the same family). But, most of the pictures of this spider do no show it to be bright red....?

Where is the orb web spider habitat?

The orb spider makes webs between objects in forests and fields.

What spiders have a red body and black and white striped legs found in ca?

That spider is an orb weaver or a marble orb weaver. We just found one outside our classroom, and looked it up. You can check by looking at the web. They create webs that are spiral, and look like a wheel.