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The Untouchables Shannon Boyle The town was alive with death. The wind rustled the metal roof. The rain pitter-pattered upon it. Not one soul moved. Not one soul dare take a breath. A waft of wet concrete drifted through the dense air. The run-down house sat solo among the thicket of willow trees, located on the only road in the town of Dreary Ville. Its scrap metal was rusting away, becoming a deep red. The lingering musty stench would inevitably scare away any life from staying too long in this town. The street was paved with brown leaves, rotting away at the bumpy road. The cold cuddled close to the deserted town. The sky swirled and whirled with gray, like a blanket of depressment had been laid gently upon the Earth. This town was definitely like no other. This town definitely lived up to its name. This town was definitely not the place anybody wanted to be, except for Luke. Luke was a teenage boy, around fourteen, who had lived in Dreary Ville his whole life. Not even a note was left when ended up in the deserted town, but he didn’t really mind. As odd as it may sound, he had lots of things to do. He spent his days fishing in the murky river, even though he knew there were no fish. He spent his days climbing the willow trees that hung low over the stream. He spent his days thinking about what it would be like to have a person to talk to. He spent his days pretending to have fun, but his heart split in two. Luke only had one wish. All he wanted was to have a friend, a shoulder to cry on when he needed it most. Then, one day, his wish came true. The sound of a jet plane flew directly over the little house of Dreary Ville. Luke ran outside and stood in the middle of the damp road, looking directly up into the abyss of gray. Then the plane flew overhead again, this time letting out a round package with a giant red bow atop it. Astounded, Luke waited anxiously, as the package got closer and closer. His heart thumped loudly. It zoomed through the clouds and landed at the feet of Luke. The gift made a large SMACK! It started to open itself. Inside was a girl, around the age of fourteen, just like Luke. She stood up and revealed her long blond hair and flowing baby-blue dress. She had deep blue eyes and glowing skin. She looked at Luke, straight into his dark brown eyes, and smiled lovingly. “My name,” she whispered in his ear, “is Lyla.” And that is when it all began. Day after day, Luke woke up to the soothing voice of Lyla. The town of Dreary Ville soon grew less “dreary” to the appearance. The willow trees began to straighten up, and were no longer drooping. The river began to have a blue color to it. The sky was still gray, but the sun poked through ever so slightly. Luke’s heart was sewn together again by the marvelous sight of friendship. The two walked hand-in-hand, side-by-side, down the long street. They giggled softly as each took a turn speaking. Each grew fond of one another every minute they spent together. The friendship between them was never-ending. But spending his entire life in Dreary Ville, Luke wished he could travel to a different land, unlike Dreary Ville. “We should go somewhere, far, far away from here.” “But why?” questioned Lyla. She did not understand why anybody would think of such thing. She very much enjoyed Dreary Ville. It had a sense of loneliness that she liked. Her old town was not the nicest of places, certainly not at all like Dreary Ville. She had grown up with parents who hated her. They never liked her, her parents were rude and cruel to her. She always had the thoughts of running away, but her parents held her back. Luke’s mind unfortunately held the complete opposite opinion. “I just think it’s kind of boring. I mean, there is nothing to do here. I’ve already done everything there is to do. All I want is to go somewhere temporarily, like a vacation.” And just like that, Luke turned around and walked away. Lyla turned around quickly. For the last time she would see the frustrated boy stomping down the street. Before she could speak, he disappeared into the fog. Lyla began walking back to Luke, her feet squishing the water on the concrete. As she turned around a bending corner in the street, she noticed the shrubs around a great willow tree shaking. She stopped for a moment and looked at the bushes. She then continued walking. When the corner became straight again, she heard yet another alarming noise. The trees above her swayed, but not in the wind, with her heartbeat. Lyla sprinted. Her heart kept thumping, and the trees kept swaying. Thump, thump, thump. Swish, swish, swish. Suddenly a man dressed in full black leaped out in front of her. She stopped so suddenly that her body was thrown towards his. She landed in his arms and he stuffed her in a bag. Then the man ran swiftly into the brush and was never seen by Luke. Luke woke up the next morning terrified. He scavenged the whole town looking for Lyla. His heart was now chattered. The only thing he ever wanted had left him. The town was no longer living. This time, the rain didn’t even fall from the sky. The trees didn’t even sway with the wind. The river became a dark brown once more. Luke returned to the house and lay on the bed. He began to sob. His tears ran down his cheek and dripped onto the pillow. Luke looked up in between the two sheets of metal rooftop and wished upon a star once more. But this time all that fell from the sky was a drop of water, the last drop of water. “Life isn’t the same without you Lyla,” he whimpered in between breaths. “Please come back.” And just like that, Luke fell fast asleep. The phone rang unusually loud that morning. Luke sat up immediately and starred right at the phone. It rang again, this time louder. It shook. The phone bounced around on the wooden nightstand. The shiny black paint glistened under the lamp. Luke did not dare to pick it up. He never did. Still staring at it, he became more and more anxious for it to leave a message. The more it rang, the more it shook, the louder it got. The sound soon became unbearable, like sirens blaring through a noisy city. Luke was pressing his hands against his ears. His face grew red like a tomato. Finally the ringing ended. Everything was silent once more. The room was so quiet that Luke could hear a cricket chirping from the next town over, which was quite far away. Then the most peculiar thing happened. The phone took in a deep breath, a long one, and launched itself across the room. The shiny, black phone flew across the room and hit the other wall, making a dent the size of a quarter. Then, before Luke could figure anything out, a voice started talking through the phone. “We know your friend is gone,” spoke the deep, hoarse voice. “We know where your friend is.” “We know you want your friend back.” “All you have to do is get your friend.” Without another word the line went dead. Luke was alone on the firm bed, without Lyla. “This can’t be happening,” stuttered Luke. “It can’t be, Lyla, the voice, and then I mean and then…” his voice trailed off into the distance. He glanced over at the phone. Without warning, a seemingly bizarre thing happened. Before Luke went to walk over and pick it up, a violet gas began crawling through the pinholes in the phone. Luke stumbled along the floor. He couldn’t believe his eyes. The violet gas drifted closer to Luke. He sneezed as it tickled the tip of his nose. It wrapped itself around Luke, blanketing the gas among his ripped clothes. Luke panicked, the whole thing seemed unreal. As the gas kept simmering out of the phone, Luke began to feel sleepy. His eyes slowly closed, his body slowly collapsed, he began to blackout. There he lay on the floor of the only house of Dreary Ville. His eyes shot open. Luke panted loudly. He was still a bit dazy, but not enough to notice the different type of environment that he was in. He was no longer lying on a cold floor. Below him was a blanket of soft, rich soil. Above him were thick trees, kissing the heavens above. They towered like skyscrapers in New York City. Around him were lush green bushes. They were somewhat exotic, like a jungle. The humid air stuck to his clothes. His hands were moist. Then, a present fell from the sky. It fell from way up in the treetops. It landed right next to him, with a loud THUMP! It was a large, round, and brown coconut. “I- I- I’m in the jungle!” yelled Luke. He stumbled up and began looking around. He wiped off his blue jeans and walked along the jungle floor. Luke was looked around everywhere. He had no idea how he ended up in this mysterious place. To him it was the weirdest place he had ever been. Not one thing was the same as Dreary Ville. The town of Dreary Ville was completely different. But of course, he liked something different. He was on a mission though. He was going to find Lyla, whether the man on the phone liked it or not. Luke puffed through the thick jungle. He knew he’d been put here for a reason. At every turn he would see the same green tree, or the same green bush. Then he stumbled upon a clue that would send him straight to Lyla. Down on the ground was a set of footprints. Luke immediately followed them. The footprints continued along the jungle floor. They weaved through trees and under branches. Luke continued to follow the two feet until they led to the banks of a massive river. The churning brown water whooshed by Luke at a blistering speed. Giant rapids swirled the murky water around even more. Although Luke was certain that he would never find Lyla, or the man on the phone, the footprints continued along the banks. And so did Luke. Luke had his eyes glued on the footprints for quite some time, until the footprints suddenly stopped. Luke’s eyes lifted up and to the right, where he found the man on the phone. He was certain it was the man on the phone. No doubt about it. The boney man was wearing a black coat and top hat. He stood upon a giant rock that poked out of the howling river. Then Luke realized that the river ended at the tip of the rock. All of the water just fell after the rock. A WATERFALL! The man from the phone seemed to be holding a large brown bag. He realized that Lyla was inside the bag! “Don’t touch her!” shouted Luke. Surprised, the man from the phone turned to see Luke standing solemnly at the bank of the river, eyeing him. “Oh don’t worry,” spoke the man from the phone, “I won’t touch her, I’ll just drop her.” One of his bony fingers let go of the bag. “No you won’t,” assured Luke. “And why is that?” question the man from the phone. “Because I’m getting her before you do!” yelled Luke. And with that, he lunged him self-forward and plunged into the icy water. His frigid body floated past the man from the phone and just as he fell off the waterfall, he stretched his arm out as far as he could and clenched the end of the bag. Down went the bag, down went Luke. The two tumbled and flipped and twisted down the angry waterfall. They both landed with a SPLASH! on the water. The mist cleared as they drifted closer to shore. Luke barely managed to sit up straight before Lyla jumped on him. “You came for me!” she exclaimed with delight. “Of course I did,” uttered Luke. “Why wouldn’t I?” “Because I thought you were mad at me.” answered Lyla. The two laughed next to each other on the edge of the pond. The two were together again, hand-in-hand, in a forbidden land. “How do we get ourselves out of here?” questioned Lyla. “I have no idea.” Luke responded. “Over there!” suggested Lyla. The two glanced over at a black door that stood in between two trees. “It’s worth a try,” hoped Luke. They both got up and walked over to the door. They held hands and at the same time opened the door. The handle creaked slightly as the two twisted it. They both put their left foot in first, and then their right. They stepped in and a white light glowed wildly in their faces. it shown through the door. Just before the door slammed shut, Luke her a hoarse voice coming from the waterfall, it spoke, “Don’t think you’ll get away!” The white light only glistened now. They continued to walk through and then fell again. They fell through a thin layer of clouds. Down they went, hand in hand. Luke and Lyla landed with a THUD! On the damp road of Dreary Ville. Luke and Lyla walked down the only road in the town of Dreary Ville and ended up in the only house of Dreary Ville. They both sat on the only bed of Dreary Ville, and laughed the only laugh of Dreary Ville. The two were meant for each other, and their friendship could never be broken. They spent their days together, fishing, hugging, laughing, playing, all in the town of Dreary Ville. Luke knew one thing every moment he spent with her. He knew that friendship is key. The key to life.

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